Glow in the Dark Can Cozy

Life has been soooo busy. Several years ago I moved home to help family. This meant moving into my parents basement. It's cool and dry and I can have bookshelves has far as the eye can see...though my mom keeps threatening me about the basement sinking because of all of the books but I think I need way more than 2500 that I currently have spaced out throughout the basement. I was pretty ok with how it was but I definitely wanted a bathroom downstairs so I wouldn't have to run upstairs for a shower or toilet. Long story short between starting a new job two months ago we also started on construction of the basement which is why posts have been few and far between. Having a walk in closet and bathroom great but when doing a lot of the stuff yourself not so much. That and I am highly allergic to dust and trees so yeah my body is trying to kill me with the construction. On to the fun things in life. I've been playing with craft technique...