Glow in the Dark Can Cozy


Life has been soooo busy.  Several years ago I moved home to help family.  This meant moving into my parents basement.  It's cool and dry and I can have bookshelves has far as the eye can see...though my mom keeps threatening me about the basement sinking because of all of the books but I think I need way more than 2500 that I currently have spaced out throughout the basement.  I was pretty ok with how it was but I definitely wanted a bathroom downstairs so I wouldn't have to run upstairs for a shower or toilet.  Long story short between starting a new job two months ago we also started on construction of the basement which is why posts have been few and far between.  Having a walk in closet and bathroom great but when doing a lot of the stuff yourself not so much.  That and I am highly allergic to dust and trees so yeah my body is trying to kill me with the construction.

On to the fun things in life.  I've been playing with craft techniques again.  Some have been a huge success and some have been epic fails.  One of the new techniques I wanted to try was glow in the dark because who doesn't want something slightly glowing next to you so you can easily grab it to drink when your room is super dark.  I planned on doing one for my sisters as a surprise (I don't do surprises I get to excited and tell).  Well they finally pulled out the can cozies I made them and started using them.  Which led them requesting more as their canned beverage of choice stayed cold the entire time it took to drink it.  So after doing a little bit of I told you sos I agreed to make them some more.  They won't have any fun sayings on them as basement is under construction but I can make them.  

I got their favorite colors...sort of.  I just don't have a lot of things in Mint colors.  Got to thinking about what I wanted to do for them.  I knew it would have glitter as we all love glitter but how do I make it special without any sayings and landed on glow in the dark.  I had attempted one glitter cup before and it was not successful so I had my fingers crossed and hoped for the best.  I figured if it didn't work last time it probably was the technique I used.

I went in this time and tried two different ways to mix up the glow in the dark mica. First I mixed it with paint of a similar color and added the epoxy.  Then spread it all over the cup.  I also threw in regular glitter on one of the cozies.  The first two cozies had what was supposed to be glow in the dark glitter but that wasn't successful in that regards...still a gorgeous glitter just not what I wanted. Then I had to be VERY VERY patient...I was not happy about the wait.  Once they were done I tried to see what they looked like and didn't really notice a difference. 

Until I went into the bathroom and had all the lights off.  THEY LOOK AWESOME.  Some look better than others and I know how the measurement was slightly different for them per the instructions and will definitely be making myself something out of all of this because they are so freaking cool.  I got the best picture I could here showing them in the dark.  There is differences between the blue, purple, yellow, and green mica I used.  Plus I don't really notice the glitter being different other than the one that had plain old glitter blocks out the glow part.   I have one more cozy to go and I will be attempting to make it a brighter glow with the mint glitter I have so fingers crossed it turns out as awesome as these.


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