Knitting Commission

I am notorious for taking forever with knitting anything. I enjoy knitting but my arms can't do a lot of it before my muscles say no more. Because of this when I do make something it always goes to someone I love and it is always on my time so when I take 4 bazillion years I don't feel horribly guilty. Several years ago my sister asked me to design and knit her an afghan of curse words. She thinks it would be hilarious to be able to say give me the f***ing blanket. I designed it, sent it to her, she confirmed that was what she wanted and I started working on it. It's been 4 years of work but in my defense it is a giant blanket that is individual squares that have to be knitted together. She'll eventual get it. Now that you have the background I was commissioned to make a shawl for someone. She wanted something to keep her warm while working from home. I hesitated to take this on as I hate being rushed through my kni...