Something new from Epoxy
I like trying new things and when I found some videos on using molds with epoxy I said I needed to try it asap. The first batch was an small failure.
Here is one mold I made. On one side the glitter settled almost all on one side and the other side got the colored Mica. I have no clue why this worked out this way but it looks awesome.
These look really good but they never dried and hardened. I thought I could do what I do with tumblers and use acrylic paint. Apparently I either had the ratio wrong or it just isn't going to work. Gorgeous but not usable. The ones with straight glitter worked out well so there I was fine but if I wanted to have the color it was back to the drawing board.
So I spent time on YouTube to see what the hell I was doing wrong to get color in the boxes. Apparently there is a powder you can use to get colored boxes. Amazon to the rescue. I found this Mica Powder. Once it arrived I got right to work on molds. Amazon was also evil and made suggestions on molds so I ended up with additional molds to play with.
Here's a dragon I made with the Mica Powder
Here are the boxes I made
Here is one mold I made. On one side the glitter settled almost all on one side and the other side got the colored Mica. I have no clue why this worked out this way but it looks awesome.
Overall, the second batch of experiments turned out awesome and I loved them. Next up I'll be expanding on the molds I use to get some more fun shapes and animals.
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