
Showing posts from February, 2021

Quilted Lattice Pattern

  Quilted Lattice: Skill Level: Intermediate Abbreviations: K – Knit SL – Slip WS – Wrong Side WYIF – With Yarn in Front K 1uls – Knit 1 stitch under loose strand – Best way to explain it is you take your right needle slip the loose strand onto the needle then go to knit the next stitch but pull the yarn through both the stitch and the strand.   Cast on a multiple of 6 sts, plus 3. Row 1 (RS): K2, *SL5 wyif, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl. Row 3: K4, *K1 uls, K5; rep from * to last 5 sts, K1 uls, K4. Row 5: K1, SL3 wyif, *K1, SL5 wyif; rep from * to last 4 sts, K1, SL3 wyif, K1. Row 7: K1, *K1 uls, K5; rep from * to last   3 sts, K1 uls, K1. Rep Rows 1 - 8.  

Slipped Hour Glass Stitch Pattern

  Slipped Hour Glass Stitch Pattern Abbreviations: K – Knit P – Purl 1/1RPC: Skip the first stitch, knit the second stitch, leave on needle, then purl the skipped stitch. Slip both stitches from the needle together. 1/1LPC: Skip the first stitch, purl through the backloop the second stitch, then knit the skipped stitch. Slip both stitches from the needle together. Pattern Cast on a multiple of 8 sts, plus 2. Row 1 (RS): P1, *P3, K2, P3; rep from * to last st, P1. Row 2 (WS): K1, *K3, SL2, K3; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 3: P1, *P3, K2, P3; rep from * to last st, P1. Row 4: K1, *K3, SL2, K3; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 5: P1, *P2, 1/1RPC, 1/1LPC, P2; rep from * to last st, P1. Row 6: K1, *K2, SL1, K2, SL1, K2; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 7: P1, *P1, 1/1RPC, P2, 1/1LPC, P1; rep from * to last st, P1. Row 8: K1, *K1, SL1, K4, SL1, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 9: P1, *1/1RPC, P4, 1/1LPC; rep from * to last st, P1. Row 10: K1, *SL1, K6, SL1; rep from...

Zig Zag Ribbed Pattern Stitch

  Zig Zag Ribbed Abbreviations: K – Knit P – Purl Pattern Cast on multiples of 3 + 1 Row 1 (RS): P1, * in the second stitch K into the back of the loop, pull through but leaving the first stitch there, with first stitch K into the front of the loop, then drop both stitches off the needle, p1, rep from * until the end. Row 2 (WS): K1, * in the second stitch P leaving the stitch there, P first stitch, then drop both off the needle, K1, rep from * until the end. Rep Rows 1 and 2 until desired length has been reached 

Looped Puffs

  Looped Puffs Skill Level: Advanced Abbreviations: K – Knit P – Purl Cast on multiples of 4 plus 2 Rows 1-4: Knit Across Row 5: K1, *(K1, wrap yarn around needle twice) repeat from * until last stitch K1 Row 6: K1, *(drop loops, slip stitch over to other needle until you have 4 slipped stitches on needle, transfer back to left needle, in same 4 stitches, k1, p1, k1, p1) repeat from * until last stitch K1 Repeat Rows 1-6 until desired length is reached